MacPro5,1, MD770LL/A (Quad-Core), MD771LL/A (12-Core), A1289
923-00865 Battery, Lithium, RAID Card(E2009)
922-9716 Bluetooth Card
922-8962 Bluetooth Logic Board Cable
922-8893 Cage, Processor, with Fans
922-8891 Optical Drive SATA/Power Cable
922-8889 Board, Front Panel
922-7681 4GB Fibre Channel SFP-SFP Cable
922-8885 Front Fan Assembly with Speaker
661-5708 Board, Dual Processor
661-5707 Board, Single Processor
661-5706 Backplane Board with Bluetooth
661-5121 Gigabit Ethernet Card
076-1344 Support Plate, Processor Tray
922-8964 Battery, RAID Card
076-1345 Power Button Kit
922-9631 Enclosure, without Power Supply
076-1367 Heatsink, Processor, Mac Pro, Dual, A
076-1367 Heatsink, Processor, Mac Pro, Dual, A
614-0435 614-0454 661-5449 DPS-980BB-2 Power Supply